Think It Make It – Italy

Feonic’s F1.3 audio drives were used to generate traffic in store with Whispering Windows and a dynamic messaging system

 Install and text by Think and Make It!

We used Feonic speakers to recreate the Whispering Windows concept for SDC Spa a big sweet and convenience distributor in Italy. They owns many Lekkerland Stores and need to refresh the store image and also to test some innovations to generate traffic in store.

The idea is to use the window to announce/advert on specific new products available on the store inviting customer to enter and see and hopefully buy. Of course if we place a pure spot audio message in few days this become very boring, mainly for the employees, then the SDC marketing department decided to start also a dedicated Radio Instore project that include advertising delivered on shopping window and in store. Actually they implemented 6 stores with Whispering Windows dynamic message trough the Professional Instore Radio Hardware made by Streamit and distribuited by Think and make.

Thanks to the partnership with Ros and Ros (the music and spot provider) we made a very efficient solution to increase awareness and traffic in store. The audio message is delivered clearly thanks to the homogeneous distribution offered by Feonic technology and the Streaming hardware make it variable enough to become a real life communication channel Antonio De Bellis, SDC Marketing Director said

We created a palimpsest of in store promotional activities that proceeds in parallel with the external audio communication. In this way we highlight products and brands in rotation and we guarantee our customers an ever more focused offer on their needs and buying habits. In addition the Feonic solution offered a very good media coverage and increased visibility on our stores.“.

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