Even live music shows become possible from your storefront with Feonic Surface Speakers. Speakers inside: sound outside.

Gesture, Touch Control, Motion Sensing.

Turn anything into a speaker? Walls, tables, floors, ceilings, glass.

Victoria And Albert Museum, London. Museum Sound Installation.
Musical instruments can be heard as well as seen. (Click image to play video)
Pssst….did you know that a whispering window could increase your sales…..
…… now interactive, with motion activated and touch sensors

Development and Investment Opportunity
Integrated, Solid State Harvesting, Sensing and Sending
for Autonomous Condition Monitoring

Click to learn more about the Solar Impulse Foundation
and Feonic's place in the top 1000 energy efficiency solutions.
Our technology turns any resonant surface, for example: glass (retail shop windows), wooden panels, wooden tables, drywall / plasterboard, acrylic, perspex, metal etc into a speaker.
Feonic FXPRO Audio Drives, give the freedom for businesses to realise the proven benefits of well executed sound.
Engage with more people to increase footfall, sales, brand awareness and more…
No more need for ugly speakers, the FXPRO range of audio drives can be effectively invisible and provide amazing sound on a wide range of surfaces.